Friday 7 April 2017

My Avatar

This is my wacky crazy avatar.  It's got a slithery tail, a hard shell and a long nose,  big ears, deadly arms and a mohawk.  He lives in a house made out of mud and rubbish.  He likes peanuts, fishing and racing people.  He dislikes being slow, bees and even hates candy.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Code Club unplugged

Today at Code Club Tracy taught us an unplugged activity with cards the same as Scratch cards. People held up the cards. She had to put the cards together. Then she used the green flag card first and she asked what a numbers to put in the containers with the operators. The students were acting as the parts in the coding that happens on the computer. I was the operator card with the +.

We have Code Club once per week with Tracy. You can visit Scratch by pressing this link.